MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM BWILD KITTEN based on goose meat. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious goose meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits create a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM BWILD based on anchovies. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious fish meat - anchovies, the addition of herbs and forest fruits create a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
BWILD MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM based on hare meat. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious hare meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits creates a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
BWILD GRAIN FREE MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM based on cod meat. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious cod meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits creates a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
BWILD GRAIN FREE MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM based on buffalo meat for large cat breeds with potatoes and lentils. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious buffalo meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits creates a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
BWILD GRAIN FREE MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM based on salmon meat. Food in line with your cat's natural instincts.
More lean, delicious salmon meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits creates a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
BWILD GRAIN FREE STERILIZED MONGE NATURAL SUPERPREMIUM based on tuna meat. Food consistent with your cat's natural instinct after sterilization.
More lean, delicious tuna meat, the addition of herbs and forest fruits creates a unique taste that your cat will love from the first bite.
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