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The Monge.Shop store offers several forms of order delivery - Breeders / Partners

1. Delivery when choosing online payment - etransfer (imoje), bank transfer or cash on delivery

- Inpost courier - delivery time up to 2 business days from the shipment of the order

- DPD courier - delivery time up to 2 business days from the shipment of the order

2. Pickup in person at the company's headquarters when choosing online payment, bank transfer or cash

     - immediately after receiving the e-mail confirmation that the order is "ready for collection".

Pickup in person from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 16.00 at the company's office. ul. Wojska Polskiego 17. Poznań


* Free transport by Inpost courier for pre-paid orders (etransfer -imoje or bank transfer). For the DPD courier an additional PLN 5 surcharge. There is an additional payment of PLN 5 for cash on delivery.

Transport costs:

1. Delivery costs when choosing online payment - etransfer or bank transfer.

- Inpost courier - for orders weighing up to 31 kg - PLN 16

- DPD courier - for orders weighing up to 31 kg - PLN 21

For orders weighing more than 31 kg, the delivery cost may be agreed individually.

2. Method of delivery when choosing the cash on delivery option.

- Inpost courier - for orders weighing up to 31 kg - PLN 21

- DPD courier - for orders weighing up to 31 kg - PLN 26

For orders weighing more than 31 kg, the delivery cost will be determined individually.

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