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We look forward to your visit and invite you to shop.

Before you start, however, make sure you know about all the privileges you are entitled to for membership in the Monge Breeder Club. Below, in the following tabs, you will find the necessary information.

"}, {" tab_title ":" CLUB MEMBERS 'PRIVILEGES "," tab_content ":"
  • discounts on Monge food up to 35% from retail prices
  • layettes for children for a symbolic zloty * (see the rules for granting layettes)
  • exclusive packaging of dry food only for breeders
  • up to 10% additional discount for dry food * (see the principles of the discount program for dry food)
  • free courier delivery for orders from 300 PLN

By ordering food through the Monge.Shop platform you get even more:

  • convenient ordering of feed with a discount Breeders in the online store
  • the ability to pay for your order immediately with online payments or within 21 days with the Buy with Twisto service
  • 99% of your orders are safe thanks to always up-to-date stock
  • access to special promotions as well as to the OUTLET sales department

Additionally, you get the chance to lower the costs of running your Breeding by participating in the Earn with Monge program.

"}, {" tab_title ":" MAKE MONEY WITH MONGE - HOW IT WORKS AND HOW TO START RECOMMEND "," tab_content ":"

    Earn money with Monge is a unique solution on the market for breeders who want to reduce the costs of farming related to animal feed.

      You buy Monge pet food even cheaper and earn money on the purchases of your customers.

          How it's working?

            ... just like running your own pet food store without moving from your comfortable armchair.

              By inviting customers to the store and activating them to buy, you generate profit from each of their orders, which can be spent on Monge feed for your Kennel.

                In brief:

                  • you earn 5% on every order of your client without limits
                  • invite customers using the recommendation tools built into the store
                  • encourage customers to buy by offering a 15% discount * (including 10% consent to subscribe to the newsletter) for the first purchase and 5% for each subsequent purchase
                  • decide for yourself when you will spend the earned funds - manage your profit in the Breeders panel in the store

                            How to start recommending Monge to your clients?

                              1. Log in to your Breeder account in Monge.Shop
                              2. Go to your account details by clicking on the icon above your name in the upper right corner of the page
                              3. In the Earn with Monge tab you will find all the information you need to recommend, such as:
                                  1. Your sponsor number, which the recommended person enters in the registration form when setting up his account in the store
                                  2. Sponsor link that can be shared with anyone. Thanks to it, the recommended person will be automatically redirected to the registration form without the need to enter the sponsor's code
                                  3. A form thanks to which, after entering e-mail addresses, the system will send invitations to register in the store as a registered letter
                                  4. Prepared banner for sharing on social media such as Facebook or Twitter

                                        In addition, there is information about the status of referrals, about the profits they generated under the program and about the prizes waiting for payment.

                                        "}, {" tab_title ":" EARN WITH MONGE - FREQUENT QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS "," tab_content ":"

                                        Imagine your store… sitting comfortably in your armchair, you earn money 365 days a year.

                                        Now it's very easy because Monge will make its Store available to you.

                                        See how the margin on each order of the customers you've acquired is credited to your account.

                                        How do you start making money with Monge? How it's working?

                                        1. Register as a breeder at monge.shop.

                                        2. Activate the account - we will inform you about activation by e-mail after verification

                                        3. Acquire your customers and earn a margin on each purchase

                                        4. Use the earned funds to pay for food for your pets.

                                        How much will I earn and are there any limits?

                                        1. You get 5% for every zloty spent by your client. For example, if the customer spends PLN 1000 on their purchases, you will gain PLN 50, which we will convert into points according to the formula: PLN 1 = 100 points.

                                        2. You can earn as much as you want because there are no limits in your store. It is only up to you how many customers your store will have. For example, if you acquire 20 customers and each of them spends PLN 1,000 on purchases in your Monge store during the month, the generated turnover will give you a profit of the equivalent of PLN 1,000.

                                        3. The acquired customers are assigned to your store permanently and the accrual of profit does not end after the first order. The first and each subsequent order of yours will be credited to your account in the Store.

                                        4. Your margin is calculated on each product in the Monge store, unless the product description excludes it from this action. Possible shipping costs and other additional fees are also not included in the billing.

                                        Why points and not bucks?

                                        1. We are not a bank, therefore we convert every zloty earned into points that you collect. This allows us to offer you a flexible reward system for your benefit.

                                        2. Thanks to this solution, you will not lose a penny of your earned margin, because when converting, we break every zloty into 100 groszy. For example, your client spent PLN 123 in the store. 5% of this amount is 6.15. If we counted only zlotys, your account would increase by 600 points and thanks to the breakdown into pennies it will be 615 points.

                                        What can I spend the earned funds on?

                                        1. You can spend them on food for your pets. You transform the collected points into a discount coupon that you will use when finalizing your order. It will either reduce the amount to be paid or cover it entirely.

                                        2. Your points will be converted according to the formula: 100 points = 1 PLN,

                                        3. In case the value of your coupon is higher than the order amount, the system will generate another coupon for the remaining amount. Thanks to this, you will not lose anything and your purchases will be flexible.

                                        4. The Discount Coupon applies to all products in the Monge store, unless the product description precludes its use. You cannot pay for the shipment with the coupon.

                                        How to acquire customers and convince them to buy?

                                        1. Thanks to the special tools we provide, it is very easy. A special form will send invitations to your friends and the generated link to your Store will attract customers from the places where you decide to share it. In addition, you can recommend your Monge store or its products on Facebook or Twitter with one click.

                                        2. To help you acquire customers, we have prepared a special offer for them. Only your customers will receive a 5% permanent discount on each purchase in the store. They will receive a discount in the form of discount coupons immediately after registration and will be available for use on the first purchase. In addition, customers who decide to subscribe to the newsletter will receive a 10% discount on the first purchase in your store. Only in your store the coupons are combined and the discounts are added, thanks to which you gain the opportunity to offer potential customers a 15% discount. You can make such an offer in the form of an advertisement prepared by us among your friends, for example on Facebook.

                                        Are there any other ways to earn extra points besides profit from customer orders?

                                        1. Yes, we plan to introduce additional point prizes in the near future. We will award them, for example, for the implementation of promotional or sales activities. We will certainly inform you about their introduction.

                                        How much does it cost and how long can you have your own Monge store?

                                        1. Absolutely nothing! The store is available for free and we do not charge any monthly fees. Your profit is free of all costs.

                                        2. There are no time limits. It is only up to you how long you want to earn money on Monge feed.

                                        Do I have to run a business and pay taxes on my earnings?

                                        1. Having your own Monge store is absolutely free of any legal and tax obligations.

                                        2. Our offer is unique and guarantees that the only thing you need to worry about is who else to invite to your Store.

                                        Where can I find additional information and detailed terms and conditions of the offer

                                        1. Additional information can be found on the website

                                        2. The terms of the offer are available in the Regulations available here

                                        "}, {" tab_title ":" RULES FOR ALLOCATING LESSONS "," tab_content ":"

                                        As part of the Monge Breeder Club membership, we offer layettes for puppies and kittens, based on the following rules. We guarantee individual rules for breeders who have permanently introduced Monge food into their breeding.

                                        1. Layettes for Monge puppies and kittens belong to the breeder who uses Monge dry food in his breeding and documents the size of the litter on the basis of a litter card approved by the organization appropriate for his breeding.

                                        2. layettes are awarded in accordance with the following formula:

                                        for puppies - 2 layettes for each purchased bag of dry food in a 12 or 15 kg package

                                        for kittens - 3 layettes for each purchased bag of dry food in a 10 kg package

                                        3. the number of allocated layettes should not exceed the amount specified in the "Litter card"

                                        4. purchase history for the current year is taken into account when calculating the maximum amount of layette available for breeding. In special cases, the total value of orders and the internship at the Breeder's Club are taken into account.

                                        5. layettes not used in a given year are transferred to the next

                                        6. the ordering of layettes takes place after sending the litter card to the e-mail address info@mongepolska.pl or as an attachment to the order for layettes in the monge.shop online store

                                        7. in the case of illegible litter cards, the implementation of the layette order will be suspended until clarification.

                                        8. the layette includes:

                                        for puppies:

                                        and) 1 piece - food Monge Puppy 800g on chicken; depending on the selected option, in the following versions: Mini, Medium, Maxi

                                        b) 1 piece - Monoprotein pate 150g - random taste, no choice

                                        c) 1 piece - dry food scoop

                                        d) 1 piece - Monge advertising bag with leaflets

                                        for kittens:

                                        and) 1 piece - Monge Kitten 400g on chicken

                                        b) 1 piece - a can of Monge Kitten Tuna with aloe vera 80g

                                        c) 1 piece - dry food scoop

                                        d) 1 piece - Monge advertising bag with leaflets

                                        9. The amount, type and composition of the layette products are subject to change without notice

                                        10. layettes are subject to a symbolic fee of PLN 1 per piece

                                        11. Layettes are not included in free shipping, unless their shipment is related to the execution of the order, which is included in such shipping.

                                        12. the cost of shipping layettes depends on the selected form of transport in accordance with the applicable price list for order fulfillment on the website https://monge.shop.

                                        "}, {" tab_title ":" DRY FOOD DISCOUNT RULES "," tab_content ":"

                                        The program allows the Breeder to obtain an additional discount on the purchase of multiple packages of Monge dry food

                                        1. Monge dry food packages included in the program:

                                        for a dog - 12 kg and 15 kg bags

                                        for a cat - 10 kg bags

                                        2. the discount is calculated according to the formula below

                                        for the dog

                                        1. 3% for the purchase of 4 bags
                                        2. 6% for the purchase of 6 bags
                                        3. 8% for the purchase of 8 bags
                                        4. 10% for the purchase of 24 bags

                                        For the cat

                                        1. 3% for the purchase of 3 bags
                                        2. 5% for the purchase of 6 bags
                                        3. 7% for the purchase of 9 bags
                                        4. 10% for the purchase of 24 bags

                                        3. the discount applies to the current order and cannot be transferred to another order

                                        4. the discount is applied only to products covered by the program if the order also includes other products

                                        5. orders may be covered by free shipping depending on the selected transport option in accordance with the price list for order fulfillment on the website https://monge.shop

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